This years camp schedule
Please scroll down for available trips and to book your trip.

Combination Gray Whale and Blue Whale trips - Each combination trip is unique with specific start and end points that vary with the itinerary date.
Fly in gray whale watching trips beginning in San Diego to Guerrero Negro.
Once again we are offering 4, 5, 6 & 8 day gray whale trips, flying to Guerrero Negro, NOT the 12 hour drive we did for twenty previous years. Flight time is only a couple hours. So smooth!
Your adventure begins when our driver meets you at the Holiday Inn Bayside and transports you about 70 miles to the Ensenada Airport. Upon arrival in Guerrero Negro our driver meets you at the Guerrero Negro Airport and transports you approximately one hour to our shore side upscale camp.
To book a trip or get more information you can email us at:
keith@jonesadventures.com or call: Keith's cell (626)512-0877
We offer several very different kinds of grey whale watching baja experience in Baja.
1. Combination Blue whales on the Sea of Cortez and gray whales at a Pacific Coast lagoon.
2. Gray Whales at Laguna Ojo de Liebre (Scammon’s Lagoon) with accommodations either in our upscale camp or by special request - in a local hotel near to the lagoon.
Prices beginning at $2695, the lowest price and highest quality trip you can find & NO single traveler fee
Gray whale trip schedule
4 days trips
Any Friday to Monday.
5 days trips
Any Monday to Friday.
6 days trips
Any Friday to Wednesday or Wednesday to Monday.
8 day trips
Any Friday to Friday, Wednesday to Wednesday, or
Monday to Monday.

3 day air charter fly in trip
$3295 P/P party of 4 or 5
$4295 P/P party of 2 or 3
Start point is Holiday Inn-Bayside San Diego. We transport you across the border to the Ensenada Airfield. From there you fly via chartered plane to Guerrero Negro. We meet you and drive you 45 minutes to our camp.
Your second day, is your first day of whale watching. We will try to get in 3 boat rides. This can be problematic with wind or other logistical issues. Then on your 3rd departure day we will schedule a morning whale watch before boarding the flight back to Ensenada.
This is the most action packed whale trip it is possible to get in a 3 day trip.

Adults only trips – two dates this season
Feb 10 - 14 - $3495
March 4 - 8 $3595
five days with 3 days of whale watching
2025 Season Gray Whale schedule with Baja Jones Adventure Travel
This year only one gray and blue whale combination trip
Ground transport San Diego to Ensenada. Fly Ensenada to near our camp. Ground transport to our camp
The above schedule shows all of our fly down trips. We invite you to discuss riding instead of flying. The Baja Peninsula is an interesting and untamed wilderness with constantly changing scenery as you ride south or north. Regardless of flying or riding down to camp there are two travel days involved. One in each direction. There is no difference in price between a drive and fly trip. So if you want to ride through the Baja Peninsula and view the scenery you can choose your days of travel and the price is the same as the flight on the same days.
-All cabins are insulated and furnished with a heater
-En-suite toilets available for $50 per cabin
-Cabins with En-suite hot water gas fired shower & toilet available for $650 per cabin. Two available.
-We have only 12 insulated wood cabins. After those are all reserved we place guests in our standard traditional canvas tents. If placing guests in a tent we will advise at sign up time. A courtesy $100 bar tab credit will be issued per person. This credit can be used toward en-suite toilet and/or for alcoholic drinks. A heater will be provided for the tent, same as provided for the cabins.
- 4 day trips are scheduled with two days of whale watching with 2 trips per day planned.
- 5 day trips are scheduled with three days of whale watching with 2 trips per day planned.
- 3 day trips are scheduled with one day of whale watching with 3 trips per day. The third trip is frequently not possible, so if choosing this short option be aware.
- 3 day chartered trips are scheduled for one day of 3 boat trips and a 4th morning trip before departure. This is the shortest most intense whale watching trip possible. Intended for those with incredibly busy work schedules. If conditions are good you will get the same amount of whale watching as on the standard 4 day trips.
- 6 day trips are enjoyed most by those who want to relax and to see lots of whales.
- 10 day combo trips are the #1 choice for our UK guests with nearly 80% choosing this trip.
A typical tour includes either one or two boat trips each DAY, depending on the specific itinerary.